
Showing posts from September, 2020

January 2020

 January 2020 Even now the chorus begins the low hum of discordant and grave possibility. L ooking back, I was hopeful, though I wouldn't call it that. I was worried, but things had not hit the stomach-churning level it's stayed at for the past several months. Pandemic was but a whisper of possibility; at the time I was more afraid of North Korea somehow nuking us (the dread inspired by the 2018 Hawaii oops still lingered), or my Leader's Autocracy ending up with a slaughter of my friends. I was looking forward to an end of winter, and a hopefully enjoyable summer after being unable to enjoy the year before's due to an apartment plumbing fiasco. I was sick of dreary cold and ice, and looking forward to an uneventful summer. I can't say I was naive. I was just desperate for winter to end. I'd started titling Facebook posts with this Day in Doom sometime before, whenever stuff struck a nerve or left me feeling hopeless and baffled. The bad part? A lot of shit happ